National Aviation Organizations Commend Colorado Governor for Declaring June ‘General Aviation Appreciation Month’
June 16, 2015
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    June 16, 2015

    Devin Osting (AAAA): (202) 223-9523
    Dan Hubbard (NBAA): (202) 783-9360
    Steve Hedges (AOPA): (301) 695-2159
    Dick Knapinski (EAA): (920) 426-6523
    Chris Dancy (HAI): (703) 683-4646
    Rebecca Mulholland (NATA): (202) 774-1535
    Kim Stevens (NASAO): (703) 610-0223

    National Aviation Organizations Commend Colorado Governor for Declaring June ‘General Aviation Appreciation Month’

    Washington, DC — Today, national aviation organizations commended Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper for declaring June “General Aviation Appreciation Month.” In Colorado, general aviation airports contribute $2.4 billion to the state’s economy annually.

    “We thank Governor Hickenlooper and his staff for the proclamation, and for appreciating the value of general aviation and local airports to the state of Colorado,” said Selena Shilad, Executive Director of the Alliance for Aviation Across America. “General aviation helps local businesses take their companies to new heights, and also provides support for the state’s agricultural groups, as well as healthcare and disaster relief services throughout the country.”

    “General aviation aircraft and Colorado’s airport system provide the state with a substantial resource for citizens and businesses alike. They are a tremendous asset for transporting employees, specialized equipment, goods and services to people across the state,” said Mark Baker, President and CEO of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA). “We thank the Governor for recognizing the many ways that general aviation supports communities in Colorado.”

    “Many companies in Colorado depend on business aviation for accessing new markets, conducting client meetings and reaching far-off job sites,” explained Ed Bolen, President and CEO of the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA). “We thank Governor Hickenlooper for his proclamation, and hope to work with him and his staff in the future on issues related to business aviation.”

    “General aviation links people and communities together; it is a key component to the nation’s transportation infrastructure and economy,” said Jack Pelton, Chairman of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA). “We thank the Governor for his proclamation and for drawing attention to the importance of general aviation in Colorado and our country.”

    Greg Principato, President and CEO of the National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) stated, “Colorado’s community airports support the state’s businesses, farms, economy and jobs at the local and national level. We thank Governor Hickenlooper and Interim Director of the Colorado DOT Division of Aeronautics, Stanley Buck, for their work to emphasize the many contributions of general aviation aircraft and the state’s airports.”

    “General aviation and local airports are essential for small businesses to connect with their clients and suppliers; they also allow businesses to target key markets for expansion,” stated Thomas L. Hendricks, President and CEO of the National Air Transportation Association. “NATA and our member organizations in Colorado thank the Governor for supporting this vital form of transportation.”

    “General aviation aircraft are critical for disaster relief and med-evac operations, as well as law enforcement all throughout the United States,” said Matthew Zuccaro, President of the Helicopter Association International (HAI). “We thank Governor Hickenlooper for recognizing the importance of general aviation in keeping citizens safe and secure.”

    To view the Colorado proclamation, click here.

    Formed in 2007, the Alliance for Aviation Across America is a non-profit, non-partisan coalition of more than 6,300 individuals representing businesses, agricultural groups FBO’s, small airports, elected officials, charitable organizations, and leading business and aviation groups that support the interest of the general aviation community across various public policy issues.
