News, Press Releases
Alliance Response to Latest Administration Comments about General Aviation
February 21, 2013
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    February 21, 2012

    Devin Osting (AAAA): (202) 223-9523

    Alliance Response to Latest Administration Comments about General Aviation

    Washington, DC – Today, the Alliance for Aviation Across America today responded to recent White House comments stating that American companies that use business aircraft do so because “it’s extremely convenient and they can afford it.” An Administration spokesman also recently characterized the thousands of potential aircraft-manufacturing job losses that could stem from its proposal to alter business aircraft depreciation schedules as one of the “difficult choices” that has to be made as part of efforts to reduce the deficit.

    In response, the Alliance released the following statement:

    “Considering the President’s focus in his recent State of the Union address on stimulating economic growth, it is extremely disappointing that the White House has once again decided to vilify the general aviation industry as part of ongoing talks to address our nation’s debt crisis.

    “These type of harmful statements and proposals will not only hurt a critical U.S. manufacturing base that has already seen thousands of lay-offs and is struggling to recover, but will have a ripple effect in towns and local economies throughout our nation.  The manufacturing and use of these aircraft supports over 1.2 million American jobs, and the businesses and groups that rely on them support local commerce, delivery of goods to rural communities, and services such as medical care, disaster relief, law enforcement, flight training, and many others.

    “That may not mean a lot inside the beltway, but it means a great deal to workers, farmers, small business owners and in communities around our nation.  That is why a host of labor, small business groups, and state and local officials from all over the country have decried these remarks, and called on the Administration to stand up for small businesses, farms and groups throughout the country which rely on this important U.S. industry.”


    Formed in 2007, the Alliance for Aviation Across America is a non-profit, non-partisan coalition of over 6,000 individuals representing businesses, agricultural groups, FBO’s, small airports, elected officials, charitable organizations, and leading business and aviation groups that support the interest of the general aviation community across various public policy issues.
