Evan Ellis Big Country News
New Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport Terminal Unveiled To Local Reporters
May 7, 2024
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  • The new Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport terminal at Schweitzer Field was unveiled to local reporters on Tuesday.

    The 92 million dollar facility will open for its first departure on May 22nd. Most of the funding for the terminal is from the federal government. Work on the nearly 50,000 square foot building began two years ago. The new terminal is nearly six times the size of the current facility.

    The new building features major upgrades like jetways on two gates and a baggage carousel. The total price tag includes the cost of the thick concrete apron around the terminal to accommodate airliners along with the new parking lot. The new lot has about 450 spaces.

     New Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport Terminal Unveiled To Local Reporters 10

    The old lot has just over 300 spaces. Pullman Transit will also start running bus service to the airport when the new terminal opens. The new building has a third gate which can be utilized with a jetway. The new terminal and apron can handle airliners as large as a 757.

    Officials don’t know yet what they will do with the old terminal.
