Kerry Lynch AIN ONLINE
Congress Set To Vote on Six-Month FAA Extension
September 24, 2017
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  • The U.S. Congress is expected to consider a six-month extension of the FAA’s authorization and the aviation excise taxes this week, according to the National Air Transportation Association. Consideration comes as the FAA’s current authorization is set to expire at the end of this month.

    The House draft bill would extend the FAA’s operating authority and the association aviation taxes through March 31, 2018. The six-month extension was a time frame backed by business and general aviation leaders, who sought continuity in aviation programs while legislators hash out a deal on longer-term FAA reauthorization.

    “With reports suggesting that an FAA extension is inevitable, we…urge that you make that extension at least six months in length, so as not to distract from the important progress being made on NextGen and needed airport projects,” the heads of six business and general aviation associations wrote to both House and Senate leaders this month.

    The draft bill is a straight extension of the programs, but it does contain a few other provisions regarding flood insurance and the extensions of certain health and medicare programs. It is expected to be brought up under “suspension of the rules,” a procedure used for quick consideration of bills that are non-controversial. This would limit debate and amendments to the bill.