Letter to the Editor: Air Traffic Article Didn’t Report Full Story
September 20, 2017
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  • Your article on air traffic control reform (“An effort is being made to privatize air traffic control system,” 1A, Sept. 11) was short on what the impacts would be. The Congressional Budget Office released an update of the impact of HR 2997, and it would increase the deficit by almost $100 billion.

    Eighty percent of delays can be traced to weather and to increased number of flights by airlines to essentially the same airports they were flying into decades ago, with little change to facilities or increase in “local alternative” airports.

    It would be nice if someone could explain “privatization.” As proposed it would be “giving away” the control of the traffic control system to a “committee” that is virtually independent, beyond reach of FAA or Congress. Commercial airlines who want to serve the big cites, are the big players. Where does that leave Mississippi? Last.

    Congress could work like it should and stop the sequestrations and continuing resolutions, and provide long-term funding, so the FAA could work like it should on new technology acquisitions, rather than fits and starts required by currently provided funding. Ask Congress to pass the Flight Act and assist small airports in rural America.

    I will leave you with this. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao stated to Congress that the oversight board that would be created by this act would favor the interests of larger airports.



