$8.9 Million to be divided between 20 Montana airports
May 31, 2017
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  • U.S. Senator Steve Daines Wednesday announced 20 Montana airports have received $8,989,592.00 in funding for critical upgrades and maintenance.

    “Montana’s community airport play a critical role in connecting our state,” Daines stated. “Every single dollar make a huge difference to keeping our rural airports reliable and ready to use.”

    Daines secured the following provisions in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization:

    Airport Improvement Program (AIP) dollars which build and maintain Montana’s critical aviation infrastructure such as runways.

    Daines has also engaged the FAA to expedite grants to northern states with short construction seasons. 

    The funding is provided through the U.S. Department of Transportation. Details on each grant and its allocation is below:

    Sidney-Richland Airport Authority: $504,000.00

    This project will fund the acquisition of new snow removal power broom with air blower equipment to keep the airport serviceable during snow periods and aid in the efficiency and safety of operations.

    County of Lincoln, Eureka: $84,135.00

    This project will fund the installation of a new Taxiway A lighting system to enhance safe airfield operations during low visibility conditions.

    This project will fund the replacement of the airport’s existing beacon that has reached the end of its useful life.

    This project will fund the installation of a 20 foot wide automated perimeter gate to discourage unauthorized access to the airfield by people or vehicles.

    L M Clayton Airport, County of Roosevelt and City of Wolf Point: $346,582.00

    This project will fund the final phase of construction of a 6,400 square foot hangar building to assist the airport to be as self-sustaining as possible by generating revenue. The sponsor has adequately financed the airside needs of the airport.

    This project will fund the final phase installation of runway end identifier lights on the Runway 11 end that have reached the end of their useful lives.

    This project will fund the installation of new vertical/visual guidance precision approach path indicator on the Runway 11/29 ends that have reached the end of their useful lives.

    Billings Logan International Airport: $1,631,774.00

    This project will fund the reconstruction of Runway 10R/28L 955 feet northwest to meet Federal Aviation Administration standards.

    Twin Bridges, County of Madison: $117,542.00

    This project will fund an update to the existing airport master plan study to show current and future needs of the airport.

    Cut Bank International, City of Cut Bank and County of Glacier: $191,003.00

    This project will fund crack seal, seal coating and pavement marking for the rehabilitation of 5,302 feet of Runway 5/23 to maintain the structural integrity of the pavement and to minimize foreign object debris.

    This project will fund crack seal, seal coating and pavement marking for the rehabilitation of 2,800 feet of the existing Taxiway A, 850 feet of Taxiway B, 4,500 feet of Taxiway C, 1,500 feet of Taxiway D, and 650 feet of Taxiway E needed to maintain structural integrity of the pavement.

    This project will fund design phase for the reconstruction of the existing apron pavement that has reached the end of its useful life.

    This project will fund crack seal, seal coating and pavement marking for the rehabilitation of 5,300 feet of Runway 14/32 to maintain the structural integrity of the pavement and to minimize foreign object debris. 

    City of Townsend and County of Broadwater: $171,000.00

    This project will fund sealing and marking to rehabilitate 11,216 square yards of the existing apron to maintain the structural integrity of the pavement.

    This project will fund sealing and marking to rehabilitate 4,000 feet of Runway 16/34 to maintain the structural integrity of the pavement and to minimize foreign object debris.

    This project will fund sealing and marking to rehabilitate 1,970 feet of the existing taxiway needed to maintain the structural integrity of the pavement.

    Ennis – Big Sky: $239,070.00

    This project will fund the acquisition of a new carrier vehicle and plow equipment to keep the airport serviceable during snow periods and aid in the efficiency and safety of operations.

    This project will fund the installation of a present weather sensor to the existing AWOS III to enhance the safety and efficiency of aircraft operations at the airport by providing accurate, current, and site-specific weather information.

    This project will fund the design for the reconstruction of 7,235 square yards of existing south apron pavement that has reached the end of its useful life.

    This project will fund the design for the reconstruction of 1,095 feet of existing connector taxiway and partial parallel taxiway pavement that has reached the end of its useful life.

    Fort Benton: $53,686.00

    This project will fund the replacement of the airport’s existing segmented circle and wind cone navigational aids that have reached the end of their useful lives.

    This project will fund the installation of three gates along the perimeter fencing to deter unauthorized persons and vehicles from entering onto the airfield.

    Wokal Field/Glasgow International: $82,678.00

    This project will fund the construction of a double pump fuel facility to assist the airport to be as self-sustaining as possible by generating revenue. The sponsor has adequately financed the airside needs of the airport. 

    This project will fund mill and overlay for the rehabilitation of 212 square yards of the existing parking lot pavement that has reached the end of its useful life. The parking lot is non-revenue generating and available for public use.

    Havre City-County: $1,216,934.00 

    This project will fund the final phase for the rehabilitation of 10,000 square yards of the existing apron to maintain the structural integrity of the pavement.

    This project will fund the second of three construction phases for the rehabilitation of 400 feet of the existing Taxiway C needed to maintain structural integrity of the pavement.

    This project will fund the final phase for the reconstruction of 5,000 square yards of the existing apron pavement that has reached the end of its useful life.

    Big Sandy: $75,863.00

    This project will fund the replacement of the airport’s existing beacon that has reached the end of its useful life.

    This project will fund the replacement of the airport’s existing segmented circle and wind cone navigational aids which have reached the end of their useful lives.

    This project will fund the rehabilitation of the current lighting system electrical vault that has reached the end of its useful life and requires rehabilitation to meet Federal Aviation Administration standards.

    Polson: $242,567.00

    This project will fund the reconstruction of 4,444 square yards of the existing apron pavement that has reached the end of its useful life.

    Helena Regional Airport Authority: $705,306.00

    This project will fund design of the terminal building expansion to enable more efficient movement of passengers and baggage.

    Shelby: $567,876.00

    This project will fund the construction of a 10,000 square foot hangar building to assist the airport to be as self-sustaining as possible by generating revenue. The sponsor has adequately financed the airside needs of the airport.

    Conrad: $587,590.00

    This project will fund the construction of a 8,500 square foot hangar building to assist the airport to be as self-sustaining as possible by generating revenue. The sponsor has adequately financed the airside needs of the airport.

    This project will fund sealing and pavement marking to rehabilitate 4,600 feet of Runway 6/24 to maintain the structural integrity of the pavement and to minimize foreign object debris.

    This project will fund sealing and pavement marking to rehabilitate 330 feet of the existing Taxiway T-4 needed to maintain the structural integrity of the pavement.

    This project will fund sealing and pavement marking for the rehabilitation of 7,430 square yards of the existing apron to maintain the structural integrity of the pavement. 

    This project will fund the construction of a 500 foot asphalt Taxiway T-5 to provide access to aircraft hangars.

    This project will fund the replacement of the airport’s existing rotating beacon that has reached the end of its useful life.

    This project will fund a new Runway 24 vertical/visual guidance system to make the airport more accessible by improving approaches to the runway ends and meet Federal Aviation Administration standards.

    Ronan: $191,158.00

    This project will fund the installation of an automatic weather observing system (AWOS II) to enhance the safety and efficiency of aircraft operations at the airport by providing accurate, current, and site-specific weather information.

    White Sulphur Springs: $128,851.00

    This project will fund the installation of an automatic weather observing system II to enhance the safety and efficiency of aircraft operations at the airport by providing accurate, current, and site-specific weather information.

    This project will fund the replacement of 11 airfield guidance sign fixtures to enhance aircraft visual guidance and enhance safety of aircraft movements.

    Big Sky Field, County of Roosevelt and City of Culbertson: $212,400.00

    This project will fund the installation of an automatic weather observing system to enhance the safety and efficiency of aircraft operations at the airport by providing accurate, current, and site-specific weather information.

    Big Sky Field Airport is a general aviation airport, designated as basic, as defined in the FAA’s National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) report.

    Woltermann Memorial, Town of Columbus and County of Stillwater: $1,639,577.00

    This project will fund the final phase mill and overlay for the rehabilitation of 3,800 feet of Runway 10/28 to maintain the structural integrity of the pavement and to minimize foreign object debris.

    This project will fund the final phase mill and overlay for the rehabilitation of 8,450 square yards of the existing apron to maintain structural integrity of the pavement.

    This project will fund the final phase mill and overlay for the rehabilitation of 4,890 feet the existing Taxiways A, B, D, and E needed to maintain the structural integrity of the pavement.

    This project will fund the final phase partial rehabilitation of the current Runway 10/28 lighting system that has reached the end of its useful life and requires rehabilitation to meet Federal Aviation Administration standards.

    This project will fund the final phase for the reconstruction of 187 feet of the existing Taxiway C pavement that has reached the end of its useful life.

    This project will fund the replacement of the airport’s existing beacon that has reached the end of its useful life. 

    This project will fund a new Runway 10 vertical/visual guidance system and replacement of the Runway 28 vertical/visual guidance system to make the airport more accessible by improving approaches to the runway ends and meet Federal Aviation Administration standards.

    This project will fund the replacement of the airport’s wind cones and segmented circle which have reached the end of their useful life and no longer meet Federal Aviation Administration design standards.
