Ed Bolen, president and CEO of the National Business Aviation Association, says there are promising signs on the horizon for the business jet industry.
A relatively stable U.S. economy is helping bolster activity, while NBAA’s annual convention next month in Las Vegas could be the launching pad for new product announcements that will further stimulate activity.
Bolen says the hoped-for announcements are a testament to manufacturers, such as Textron Aviation in Wichita, that invested in research and development even through the painful years created by the recession.
Bolen, in Wichita on Tuesday for Bombardier’s Safety Standdown event, says its that’s type of forward thinking that keeps the industry moving forward as well.
There still remain headwinds to the industry, and it will always be tied to macro-economic forces for better or worse. But, Bolen says, the picture today is a much better one than in years past.
“Generally, the mood is upbeat,” he says.
You can read more about why Bolen is optimistic for the industry, as well as some of the challenges he sees on the horizon, in Friday’s weekly edition of the Wichita Business Journal.