Aviation Appreciation Day is April 25
April 18, 2015
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  • SAFFORD — Join in on Saturday, April 25, to enjoy the second Aviation Appreciation Day at the Safford Regional Airport. This year, in addition to the many local and transient aircraft that will be on static display, there will be classic car owners displaying their restored vintage autos on the tarmac. Access to the field will be through the terminal building.

    An all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast will be served in the Ponderosa Aviation hangar from 7:30 a.m. till 11 a.m. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, coffee, tea and water will be served. The breakfast is free, but donations will be accepted to further youth aviation activities in the Gila Valley.

    Pilots from around Arizona and perhaps New Mexico are expected to fly to this event to display general aviation aircraft, and some will fly in with planes they have built themselves. Local vintage auto rebuilders and restorers will proudly present the results of their mechanical and auto body modification prowess.

    Air Evac Inc. will have its PHi Cares medical evacuation helicopter on display, with personnel on hand to “show and tell” to the public.

    Jetcrafters Inc. will have personnel on hand at its facilities on the west end of the airport to show visitors some of the processes involved in painting an aircraft.

    Arizona Sport Airplanes, which manufactures personal private aircraft for sale nationwide will allow visitors to view the process of handcrafting an aircraft in its hangar located immediately east of the terminal building.

    Take Flight EA, a local flight instruction and training facility will have representatives available to answer questions from anyone interested in basic or advanced flight training.

    Should inclement weather prevent flying, a rain date is scheduled for the following Saturday, May 2.
