Anayeli Ruiz KRISTV
Nueces County Airport Could Get A Makeover
February 4, 2015
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  • CORPUS CHRISTI -“We have a tremendous demand for additional aircraft space at our airport. We have a waiting list of people wanting hangers,” said Mike Pusley County Commissioner Precinct One.

    The airport located just outside of Robstown has needed lots of improvements. The Airport director tells us some of the hangers were constructed back in WWII.

    “Businesses look at things like that when they are moving into the community. So I think it opens up a number of business opportunities to have an airport that can service larger aircraft,” said Pusley.

    That is why the Nueces County Court has been looking at expanding the airport,  they plan to build some extra hangers. See they currently have 19.

    “We have a number of business people who have talked to us about it. We have a number of people who live in Nueces County they have their airplanes parked in other counties because we don’t have the space,” said Pusley.

    They hope to also extend the runway from 38-hundred to 6 thousand feet. Ultimately they say it could bring more tax revenue for Nueces County.

    “We think there is some real revenue possibilities their so we want to look very closely at that,” said County Judge Loyd Neil.