National aviation organizations applauded Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear for declaring July 2014 “Aviation Appreciation Month.” In Kentucky, general aviation accounts for more than $1.7 billion in economic activity annually.
“General aviation is a lifeline to both large and small communities in Kentucky and across our nation,” said Jack Pelton, chairman of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA). “We commend the Governor for his proclamation, which recognizes the benefits of general aviation and helps to spur interest in and excitement for aviation as a whole.
Kim Stevens, interim president and CEO of the National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) noted, “Kentucky’s network of airports helps to connect the state’s companies, farms and communities with necessary goods, services and businesses. We thank Governor Beshear and Department of Aviation Commissioner Winn Turney for their hard work in emphasizing the benefits of aviation, including general aviation, in Kentucky.”•-july-24-2014/