Fuel sales up at airport
April 25, 2014
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  • Russellville Regional Airport commissioners got good news from manager Bobby Day during their regular meeting Wednesday — fuel sales for the last two months are ahead of the same period a year ago.

    Year-to-date total gallons sold were 12,741, compared to 7,433 for year-to-date 2013 totals. The big difference has come in jet fuel, where 7,877 gallons has been sold, compared to 3,956 for the same time a year ago. Aviation gas sales are at 4,864 gallons, compared to 3,477 at the end of March 2013.

    Day reported 4,878 total gallons were sold last month, compared to just 1,991 gallons sold in March 2013.

    Day mentioned that 10 percent of fuel sales are coming from the airport’s new self-service station. He said he had hoped that would be better, but believes the usage will increase with warmer temperatures.

    Commissioners viewed plans for the airport’s Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) system on runway 25. The project is part of planned projects at the airport for 2014.

    The PAPI system consists of four lights that turn progressively from white to red as seen by the pilot from a too high to a too low position. The other part of runway approaching lighting improvements funded by the FAA include a runway end identifier light system for the west end of the runway (Runway 7).

    The costs are estimated at $200,000, but are funded through a 90/10 matching grant, with the FAA funding 90 percent and the State Aeronautical Division funding 10 percent.

    Day reported a letter from the FAA is all that is awaiting the start of the runway seal coat project. The airport’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for the next five years has been submitted to the FAA.

    Day said the search continues for a fuel truck, but felt optimistic after he talked with Mayor Bill Eaton about funding a truck through the city’s capital projects funds.

    The airport had a little problem with the failure of its runway lights Monday night. Day said there were no runway lights due to a lightning strike, and they were fixed at an approximate cost of $3,000.

    Commissioners present were Andy Berkemeyer, Paul Horney, Tommy Littleton, Dwight Talburt and Les Teaff. Chairman Bob Burris and Phil Cowger were absent.

    The Russellville Regional Airport Commission meets at 6 p.m. the fourth Wednesday of each month inside the airport terminal building.