Florida Soars in Attracting the Aviation Industry, Study Says
December 31, 2013
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  • A study by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ranked Florida the most attractive state in the nation for companies in the aviation industry.

    The factors used by PwC in making the determination were: cost (taxes, business climate, energy), workforce (available aerospace technicians, engineers, mechanics, education attainment) and the number of aerospace companies operating.

    “Not surprisingly, the highest-ranking states, such as Florida, Texas and Washington, score well across core variables, with relatively modest wages, well-trained and educated workforces and a relatively high number of aerospace companies,” PwC reported in the study

    Florida ranked first for talent, ninth for industry and sixth for cost in the national rankings.

    Gov. Rick Scott touted the report as evidence that his policies to create a business-friendly environment in the state are paying off.

    “We fought last session to build up Florida manufacturing by removing the tax on manufacturing machinery and equipment, so more Florida families would have access to great jobs – and it’s working,” Scott said in a statement. “This ranking is great news for our state and helps us to recruit more manufacturing businesses to move to or expand in Florida.”

    The aircraft sector is the largest net exporter in the U.S. with a trade surplus of $71.1 billion in 2012, according to the study. The aerospace industry employs nearly 500,000 workers nationwide.