The Rolla City Council, meeting tonight at 6:30 in the council chambers at Rolla City Hall, will consider bids for work to be done at the Rolla National Airport.
The work is included in a project with major financing by an Economic Development Administration grant filtered through the state government.
The purpose of the work is to prepare a portion of the airport for industry. Brewer Science is one company that has already committed to expanding facilities at that site.
Tonight the council will consider a bid for a contract to upgrade the water supply and a bid for electrical improvements. Both bids will require a motion to accept and then an ordinance to authorize the mayor to enter into an agreement with the companies. The agenda lists that the ordinance will be heard for first reading. The council could waive its rules and hear the final reading and adopt the ordinance, too.
The council will also consider a bid for disinfection and clarifier improvements at the Southeast Wastewater Treatment Plant.
A quote for 48-inch concrete pipe will also be considered.
In other business or discussion:
• The council will consider a resolution authorizing the mayor to sign an agreement with the Rolla Area Chamber of Commerce to share the expenses for refurbish the Christmas star decorations.
• There will be a discussion of the sale of a 1989 Pierce 50-foot tele-squirt fire truck.
• The council will hear the final reading of an ordinance to rezone 100 S. Spilman from R-1 to R-3 zoning to allow the owner to build a multiple-family dwelling.
• There will be time given for residents of Rolla to present issues to the council.
• There will also be time for the mayor and council to make comments and observations.
• A consent agenda including the minutes of May 6, 13 and 20 meetings will be presented for approval.
• No public hearing is scheduled.
• No special presentations are on the agenda.
• Written reports to be presented to the council include: The Centre fiscal year 2013 financial analysis for April 2013, Parks and Recreation Commission meeting minutes for April 17, preliminary minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting May 14, Rolla Municipal Utilities monthly report for April and the Rolla Board of Public Works meeting minutes for April 23.
No issues are up for discussion in executive session.