End to Speculation About Naples Airport Noise
December 4, 2012
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  • NAPLES, FL -For years there have been growing complaints about airplane noise over Naples.

    One man says he’s come up with a way to measure it and can finally put the debate to rest.

    It’s top of the line technology that other airports don’t have—it’s a way to put an end to the question of exactly just how loud some of the jets are.

    It’s been a complaint from residents for years and Jim Lennane hopes airport officials will hop on board with his idea.

    Lennane has worked for years with aircrafts right in Southwest Florida.

    As a former worker with IBM, Lennane designed a system to help solve the issue of just how much noise a jet really makes.

    “One of the problems today is you can’t really tell which complaint was valid and which isn’t,” says Lennane.

    It’s all part of a high tech microphone system that would be placed in areas where residents complain about airport noise.

    The microphones sense a takeoff or landing by a jet by measuring the sound and sending the data back to a computer.

    “This will be over a wider area, we’ll get a much more accurate reading on takeoff and arrival noise,” says Lennane.

    It would cost over $5,000 a month to fund the system. The Airport Authority would foot the bill, but they’re not sure how helpful the information would be.

    But Lennane believes it will put all the theories to rest—finally giving the city accurate noise levels to rely on.

    “At least it will be factual and that’s the goal, to have the facts in place of speculation and emotion,” says Lennane.

    Lennane will make his pitch to the Noise Compatibility Committee on January 23rd. If they like the presentation, they’ll recommend the airport authority to buy into it.
