Mike Reuther Sun Gazette
County OKs Funds for Airport Terminal
November 16, 2012
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  • By Mike Reuther

    Lycoming County Commissioners Thursday approved a $1 million agreement with the Williamsport Municipal Airport Authority for design and construction of a new airport terminal.

    The funding comes from the county’s share of Act 13 money from the state’s natural gas impact fee.

    “This is a major economic development project,” said Williamsport Regional Airport Authority member Rebecca Burke.

    The authority approved the funding last week.

    The two-story terminal will be larger than the present facility and be made to handle the airport’s expanding needs.

    The $13.6 million terminal will include a lobby, a more spacious airline ticket counter area, modern baggage-handling systems and aholding area for 150 people offering refreshments and restroom facilities.

    In other matters, commissioners passed an ordinance that amends the zoning map for Gamble Township. The decision to change areas of the township near Rose Valley Lake zoned agricultural to countryside will not greatly affect land usage, according to county officials.

    During a public hearing preceding the commissioners’ approval, township residents were given the chance to express their views.

    Mary Guinter, 444 Ulmer Road, said she objected to the change.

    “I’d like our land kept agricultural,” she said. “We don’t intend to build on it.”

    Cliff Kanz, county development services supervisor for the county planning commission, responded that agricultural operations are permitted in areas falling under countryside zoning.

    Another section zoned for agriculture changes to resource protection, while a section zoned as resource protection switches to countryside.

    Lycoming County Planning Commissioner Executive Director Kurt Hausammann Jr. noted that his department does not dictate zoning but ratherworks with municipalities to come up with the best plans.

    He noted that township residents earlier this year raised concerns about how county zoning would impact their properties and later requested that changes be made to the zoning map.

    The most significant change will allow for more dense development in the area zoned countryside.

    Commissioners approved the purchase of two vehicles at a cost of $64,840 for the county coroner’s office.

    An amendment was approved to the county’s agreement with L.R. Kimball to complete its solid waste plan, which is necessary to securestate Department of Environmental Protection approval.

    Commissioners approved an amendment to its agreement with Delta Development, which provides services to the county including tapping state and federal government funding sources.

    The amendment will mean an additional cost of $20,200.

    Commissioners approved one-year child welfare services contracts with NHS Pennsylvania, and Families United Network, Inc., foster care services; Behaviorial Specialists Inc., home-based child and family services; and Salvation Army, life skills educational services.

    Human services development fund contracts were approved with Confer Home Health Services, adult homemaker services; American RescueWorkers, emergency shelter services; YWCA Liberty House, emergency shelter services; Community Alliance for Progressive Positive Action (CAPPA), life skills education services; Jersey Shore Summer Recreation, life skills education services; and Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Central SusquehannaValley for Life Skills Education services.
