Alliance For Aviation Across America Says Essential Air Service Funding Is Critical
Tue, 22 Feb ’11
Following last week’s votes on the FAA Reauthorization legislation, the Alliance for Aviation Across America praised both the House and Senate for their progress on the bill.
“We commend Members of the U.S. Senate and the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for passing FAA Reauthorization measures that support critically needed funding for the FAA, and provide funding for modernization of our nation’s air traffic control system,” the association said in a statement. “This investment in America’s infrastructure will help to fund important airport improvement projects, enhance safety, and support thousands of jobs. This system of airports and general aviation aircraft already support 1.2 million jobs and $150 billion in economic impact around the nation.
“As members of the House and Senate look to reconcile differences in this legislation, we also hope that they will recognize the critical importance of Essential Air Service funding as a lifeline to many smaller communities for a host of important resources and services. We look forward to working with Members of Congress and the Administration on these and all issues important to small towns and rural communities around the country that depend on general aviation and our nation’s system of airports.”
Date: 2011-02-22