Pittsburg Company, Other Groups Organize Haiti Relief Efforts
January 22, 2010
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  • By Andra Bryan Stefanoni

    PITTSBURG, Kan. – Debbie Brock first helped the children of Haiti about 30 years ago as a missionary, so when news broke about relief efforts after last week’s earthquake, she knew she wanted to help.

    Her opportunity came when Mark Schifferdecker, with Girard National Bank, called to request the use of the Names and Numbers corporate jet to deliver medical supplies to Haiti. Brock, vice president of Names and Numbers, a telephone directory company, and her husband, Ken, said “yes.”

    The jet transported 600 pounds of supplies to Haiti last weekend, said Erin Sullivan, who is handling the company’s relief efforts.

    She said the supplies will be used by Dr. Jim and Sandy Wilkins, of Girard, who for the past 11 years have worked at Haiti Health Ministries near the capital of Port-au-Prince.

    Other efforts

    The Peacemaking Committee at the Presbyterian Church of Pittsburg is collecting hygiene kits on behalf of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. John Robb, committee chairman, said members have collected 40 kits so far, along with items that can go toward assembling more kits.

    “Our first goal is 100,” Robb said. “We are going to collect at least through February. The need will be ongoing.”

    K-Kids, a service-oriented group of fourth- and fifth-graders at Lakeside Elementary School, has been assisting the church with the kits. Club sponsor Babs Tims said the youngsters have collected more than $200 and 15 completed bags, plus additional supplies.

    The Pittsburg Noon Rotarians responded with the donation of 13 Pur Waterboxes. Each Waterbox can purify 5,072 16-ounce bottles of water.

    “It seems the biggest concern right now is potable water,” said Bobby Winters, club president. “These boxes were specifically designed for these types of emergencies, and should bring some immediate relief to families and aid workers affected by the earthquake.”

    Date: 2010-01-21