Dear Editor,
Representative Vern Ehlers should be applauded for recently founding the Congressional General Aviation Caucus, a group comprised of Members of Congress dedicated to supporting and protecting the important role private aviation plays in our local economies and our national transportation system.
Aviation is central to the Michigan economy as nearly 9 out of 1000 Michigan employees are in the aerospace and aviation industry. General aviation in Michigan contributes $11 billion annually to the state’s economy, with a payroll of $1.76 billion per year supporting 39,800 jobs.
In Michigan communities and across the nation, local airfields and small aircraft often provide the best and most efficient means of transportation. Small aircraft and airports used by businesses, farmers and individuals are a vital tool to bring emergency services such as transportation to medical facilities, search and rescue support and disaster assistance to remote areas. Representative Ehlers is right to stand up for GA so that it can continue to provide Michigan communities and businesses access to medical care, economic opportunity and a host of vital services and resources.
Terry Finger
Wells Airport
6530 11 Mile Rd, NE
Rockford, MI 49341
Date: 2009-12-22