Air taxi providers in the US and Europe have banded together, to formally launch the Air Taxi Association (ATXA). The organization aims to unite the air taxi industry, and provide services to increase demand for personal air travel at business airline prices.
Principal air taxi companies on ATXA’s board include Alpha Airways, DayJet, Earthjet, ImagineAir, JetBird, JumpJet, Linear Air, TaxiJet Spain, and SATSair, among other leading air taxi providers.
Dr. Bruce Holmes, DayJet Director of Aeronautical Research, will serve as ATXA Chairman of the Board. Described as a father of the air taxi industry, Holmes served as a research pioneer at NASA for over 30 years, where he led strategic development for the Langley Research Center with investments of $700 million and over 4,000 people.
“DayJet helped inspire the formation of the Air Taxi Association, and we applaud its launch,” Holmes said. “I’m honored to serve the Air Taxi Association and the next generation air taxi industry as the ATXA Chairman of the Board. Together, ATXA members will work to set industry standards that benefit all of aviation and air taxi service worldwide.”
Designed to complement existing aviation organizations and infrastructure, the Air Taxi Association will work with technology providers and partner companies to create policies that will benefit the emerging industry.
In addition, the organization plans to establish a unified focus to improve relations with the general aviation industry, as air taxi providers offer complementary services via underutilized, secondary airports.
“There is such a strong need for increased market awareness of the air taxi value proposition,” said Steve Hanvey, SATSair President and CEO. “That is why we are enthused about the Air Taxi Association as a group to bridge the industry and focus on driving market demand.”
To drive market demand, the ATXA will also reach out with tailored consulting services to communities and businesses, to help them attract air taxi services to their area. The association will analyze the tangible economic development and profitability benefits of additional direct service. Targeted sales and marketing services will also be provided to ATXA members and related organizations.
“The Air Taxi Association represents the next evolution in air travel, one that is complementary to our incredible worldwide aviation infrastructure,” said ATXA President Joe Leader. “This is about getting people off crowded roadways and into our open skies on direct flights. Away from major hubs, secondary airports allow air taxi passengers to arrive 15 minutes before departure and quickly take off to their end destination.”
Date: 2007-06-21