Your Nov. 20 article “Execs’ private jets rankle lawmakers” failed to highlight the benefits small planes bring to Texas.
No one would disagree that the actions by the CEOs of General Motors were unwarranted and foolish; it must be understood that small planes provide massive economic benefit to Texas.
According to the Texas Department of Transportation, small planes provide approximately $8.7 billion annually in total economic output to Texas, not to mention the almost 62,000 jobs that the small Texas airports provide to citizens of our state.
These economic benefits are reaped by small- to mid-sized businesses and the residents who rely on them. These are the businesses that recycle scrap metal, build new schools, and fly patients in need to life-saving care.
Using small “general aviation” airports, these businesses reach residents in isolated communities that the major commercial airlines ignore and provide them with essential goods and services necessary for their day-to-day lives.
The average American can understand the frustration legislators felt as they heard the news. But let’s just keep perspective — there are thousands of businesses across the country that use their planes for what they invested in it for: serving their customers.
Steve Uslan / president, United States Pilots Association
Date: 2008-12-06