U.S. Rep. Jerry Costello, D-Belleville, said Thursday that he has been reappointed chairman of the Aviation Subcommittee of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
The subcommittee has jurisdiction over all civil aviation, including the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board, and oversees aviation security at the Transportation Security Administration, Costello said in a news release.
“We have a lot of work to do and I look forward to working with President-elect (Barack) Obama to enact comprehensive legislation to reauthorize the (FAA) as quickly as possible this year, and addressing air traffic controller issues has to be a major part of that process,” Costello said.
Costello, who also served as chairman during the 110th Congress, said his focus will continue to be aviation safety, consumer and passenger issues, and the design and implementation of the Next Generation Air Transportation System.
“Aviation must also be a part of infrastructure investment in any economic stimulus package, and I will continue to work with Chairman (James) Oberstar and my colleagues towards this goal,” Costello said.
Costello is currently serving his 12th term in the House of Representatives, and is a senior member of the House Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee and the Railroad Subcommittee, and is the second highest-ranking Democrat on the Science Committee.
Date: 2009-01-16