To the Editor:
Re “A Threat in Every Port,” by Lawrence M. Wein (Op-Ed, June 15):
While Mr. Wein’s use of theoretical scenarios might be useful to determine how to maximize resources to account for multiple threats, we should think practically when it comes to best protecting our airports and airways.
For example, unlike commercial aviation, when it comes to small aircraft, general aviation pilots almost always either own their own plane or know everyone who is on their plane. The general aviation industry has worked with federal agencies to develop a set of security protocols and regulations, including closely monitoring aircraft sales, checking all student pilots against government watch lists and continuously monitoring any suspicious activity through an Airport Watch Program.
In fact, a June 18 report from the inspector general of the Department of Homeland Security stated that “the steps general aviation airport owners and managers have taken to enhance security are positive and effective.” It found that no additional recommendations regarding general aviation security are needed at this time.
Mr. Wein is correct that we need to make domestic security a priority. Let’s just make sure we are creating effective solutions that work, instead of ineffective procedures that work in theory, but not in reality.
Henry M. Ogrodzinski
President and Chief Executive
Natl. Assn.
of State Aviation Officials
Washington, June 19, 2009
Date: 2009-06-23